Home Remedies - Oily Skin

It is very difficult to manage the Oily skin, as all the time you are found with tissues, cleaning extra oil from your chin, nose and forehead. If you are having the oily skin then you should not think of the wrinkles as your skin will be less pron to wrinkles than normal skin. But the worse part of it is that your skin will produce extra sebum, which will clog the pores of the skin in turn increase the acne problem. The chances of blackheads and rashes can also be there on oily skin.

Below are some remedies for oily skin:
1. Prepare the mixture of sandalwood paste and rose water. and then apply it evenly on your face for 15 minutes. Wash it off with Luke warm water or cold water. It is best for acne as well. 

2. Oatmeal and witch hazel should be mixed in equal quantity after blending them. Apply it on the face for 20 minutes then wash it off with warm water. To tone and cleanse your skin, it is best natural remedy. 

3. One of the best remedy is water. You should drink lots of water in a day, at least 8-10 glasses of water. As it will keep you hydrated and flush out the toxins and impurities from your body. The main cause of acne are toxins in the blood. This method really work and will give you glowing skin. 

4. Good eating habits are must for healthy and oil free skin. So try to include fresh fruits and vegetables which are loaded with fibers, vitamins and antioxidant. They will remove the dead skin cells from the body and flush out the toxins from the blood. 

5. Another simple home remedy is mixture of teaspoon of salt in bottle of water. Spray this water on your face several times. It is very easy method to get rid of oily skin.

6. The most effective method is Aloe vera. Just take out the leaf of Aloe vera, and get the gel out of it. Apply this gel 2-3 times daily. Simple and best remedy for curing oily skin. You can put in this gel in refrigerator for 30 minutes before applying. This will smoothen your skin. 

So by applying above methods, you can keep yourself away from oily and acne pron skin.

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