Yoga Asanas a treatment at Home

If you are of above 40 age, then it will be difficult for you to go to gym, but still you can do Yoga at home. So It is good suggestion to do Yoga as it can be done at any age in life by anybody. All age groups like children, adults and older people can do it easily. It is like a treatment for old age person as they can get recovery from their joint pains etc.  Even pregnant ladies can also do it. Because it is a good health treatment for them as well. The Asanas and Postures are done slowly like gently stretching and contracting different muscles but it is every effective though.
So you won't ever feel strain on the muscles as it can be done slowly as desired. Infect, in many poses, if the person is able to hold the pose for longer time then it is more beneficial for him. 

Different Exercises in Yoga: 

In the list of all the exercises like aerobics or strength training, Yoga is still on the top of the list. In the recent research as well, Yoga is far more effective then other exercises to reduce weight. As per the studies, it's being shown that people have lost approx 5.8 Kgs in 3 months of yoga. After four weeks of continuous Yoga, the Cholesterol levels start decreasing and even after 2 years there would be steady decrease. As per the study on children, after 12 week period of Yoga, they have lost 2 Kilograms of weight, which increased their overall health. 

Some of the top poses (asanas) for weight loss are Below: 

1. Ardha Chandraasana

2. Vrksasana

3. Naukasana 

4. Utkatasan

5. Dhanurasana

6. Pawanmuktasana
7. Bhujangasana 

8. Trikonasana 

9. Plank Pose 

As per the studies, the Yoga is also recommended for those who are even suffering from coronary artery disease or CAD. If high cholesterol persons can also take down to the normal level in the some weeks. If you are doing Yoga for 1 hrs for 1 year, then you can reduce your weight at normal level. But before begining the Yoga, you should consult your doctor if you have any major disease.
I am not saying this on my personal experience that Yoga is better, but it is being scientifically proven. 

Different Tips for Yoga:

Apart from correct poses and doing on regular basis, there are some tips as well. Like it Yoga should always be done with empty stomach. In yoga session, simple poses can be tough, so it should be done under the guidance of instructor. 

As Diet comes as a part of yoga, this is the good thing about it. But it is not an restriction, because as per many instructors, diet control should be their to maintain healthy body. In this diet control, you are providing everything to the body which it needs, but still you are controlling the excess calories. But excessive reduction in the calories is not recommended. 

Exercise to rejuvenate Mind: 

As we know that Yoga is a good weight loss exercise, this is because most of its asanas are combined with pranayama or yogic breathing exercises. So when they are combined with pranayama, the metabolic rate gets increased and which burns calories must faster than a increase in hart rate. Due to increase in blood circulation, the body gets heat up, which reduce the pain in the joints as well. Try to keep your mind empty, while doing Yoga, it will be much more beneficial for you.

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